I wasn't entirely sure wether to do a four week or a month update, but I figured less is more & went with the latter. They'll be monthly from here on out, I don't want to over-kill :D
One of the things that I want to do with Evie is take progressive photos of us together like this one so that we've got a record of us both growing older. At the moment I think that Evie looks more like George & we may never look very alike but I think it will be amazing looking back over how she changes & see if we do start looking more similar in the future. This is our first for the collection: 1 month & 22 years.
Age: 1 month!
Weight/Height: She is 55cm long, but I'm not sure on her weight, I think she's being weighed tomorrow so I may come back & update this post if she is. she's definitely getting more chub though.
Sizes: I've had to pack away some of her cutest baby grows because she's too long for them now. I was contemplating cutting the feet out so that we could get a little longer wear out of them but I couldn't bring myself to ruin them so they're just folded away in a box awaiting further instruction.
Sleep&food: Most of the time she wakes at 1am, 5am & 9am for a feed which is lovely but last night she was really difficult to settle. We had a long nap at 11 today to make up for it though. We love naps.
Evelyn's favourite thing: Her Melody Giraffe by Parents/Manhattan toy (RRP £14.99). It was a gift from Jade & Evie loves it. The giraffe is made with several different materials so it has lots of textures & the tail rattles & tummy crinkles so there are different noises as well. The best part is the melody that plays when you stretch out its neck (a rendition of hush little baby) she will sometimes stop mid cry to listen, which gives me a few moments to finish my cereal or pop to the loo.

Milestones: Evie is definitely focussing on things more often now, she loves looking out the window & looking at people's faces, I think I'm going to have to get the play mat & cot mobile out of the garage soon. Her neck is getting stronger too, she'll be doing sit ups in no time.
Best moment: Joely's birthday gathering; I didn't get to go for cocktails but Evelyn & I spent the afternoon with some of my favourite people in the world, who all took her off my hands at some stage or another. She was a massive distraction but got lots of cuddles & I don't think anyone REALLY minded.
What we've learnt: Passport photos are bloody hard to get right & babies get colds too: Except in the place of moaning about it they eat until they're sick & eat again - in one continuous circle until they fall asleep from exhaustion. Also, breast feeding tops are super easy to make by modifying inexpensive normal tops: My frugal self is very happy at this discovery.
Looking forward to: More days with sunshine (please) & starting to plan a Christening.