Christmas Schnapps
This Christmas has been lovely for us, as it always is, & I let myself relax for the first time in a long time so I feel really great this side of celebrating.
Little Walk-In Wardrobe
When we first registered our interest in the house we now own we were offered a list of "optional extras" that we could purchase & they would install - one of which was a Wardrobe for our bedroom. Initially I was genuinely interested as I love how sleek custom wardrobes look, but on closer inspection I realised the "wardrobe" was just sliding mirrored doors with a clothes rail a small distance behind them. Something I'm really big on is making the most of the spaces that you've got & this option just screamed wasted space to me.
Our Honeymoon - The Marmaris Imperial
I cannot actually believe that it has been over a month since we got back from our honeymoon. We had such a lovely time & I can remember every day in detail which doesn't often happen for me with holidays as I generally find that each day can blur into one blissful mush of swimming, sunbathing & sightseeing. I guess I just made a conscious effort to remember everything this time as I hope it will be my only honeymoon.
Our Wedding Flowers
As far as weddings go I don't think ours was very traditional in the flower corner. The boys didn't have any button holes & I forgot to bring the posies that I made for my girls (they were safely in the fridge when I got home - yes I am a dunce) but the flowers that were incorporated were perfect so I wanted to share them with you all.
Evelyn's 18 Month Update.
I can't believe that it's been 6 months(!!!) since our last Evelyn update. When I wrote her one year update I expected it to feel like an eternity until this moment but it has come by so quickly. I think partly that is down to how pre-occupied I was with planning our wedding but it is also partly because since her birthday I've stopped feeling the need to age her by months. However, here we are. Lots has happened & I'm excited to be doing another one of these.
We got Married!
We did it. Tied the knot & all that jazz. It was such a lovely day. There was lots of kissing & a reasonable amount of drinking & the sun even made a short appearence. All in all it was a pretty amazing, memorable day.
One Week Left
We're getting married next week (!!!!) so in prep we had some pre wedding photographs taken by the gorgeous Emilie & Jessie of Paper & Primrose.
We Went to the Beach
The past few weeks our "family Tuesdays" have mostly been spent doing wedding related activities & I've been desperate for a break so yesterday we hopped in the truck, crossed the bridge & visited our favourite beach.
Emotional Sponge
There's one trait that has been constant throughout every stage of my rather inconsistent life. It's probably the parent of all of my worst traits & it's the one that makes my already changeable personality most difficult to predict or understand. I am an emotional sponge.
Walk in the Woods
Now that little one has started toddling she's a lot less content sitting in her buggy on our daily walks. She's happier helping me push it or, more commonly, leading me to where she fancies exploring.
Two Months Later
There have been a lot of small changes in our lives in the last few months & a lot of 'life' that has taken the front seat over blogging & I want to apologise for being absent. It's a cliche, I know, but now that I'm typing this post I realise just how much I've missed it.
There have been a lot of nice days & nice events that have happened that I wish I had shared but I couldn't bring myself to write them because I've been a bit consumed by some of the less positive events that have happened & so instead I've written nothing. I'm sure that there's a life lesson to learn there, but for now I'm just going to take each day as it comes & try to pick up where I left off.
Thank you for sticking with me. See you with a new post (& a new blog design) in a few days. x
1st birthday party
For Evie's first birthday we had a little gathering at our home - it's quite small so I was worried where everyone would sit but we were really lucky & had sunshine so most of the day was spent outside.
My baby girl has turned one! I can't actually comprehend how quickly this year has gone & I can't get my head around having a daughter who's age isn't counted in months any more.
A weekend in Cheltenham
This is going to be another one of those post with very few words - it's mostly for Han & the others who were with us this weekend but you're welcome to be nosy if you'd like. It was a lovely weekend & I hope that you all had a nice one too. x
Little Olly's 1st birthday party
Yesterday was Evelyn's little friend Olly's first birthday & I wanted to share a couple of snapshots that I took on the day. I hope you all had a lovely weekend :)
Evelyn's 11 month update
This month has been a lot of little ups & downs. I've been quite exhausted & have felt run down for almost it's entirety but I feel very lucky to have such an amazing family supporting me so it's honestly been more positive than negative.
At the park
Tuesdays are George's day off & the one day that we are really able to be a little family so I treasure them a lot. Last week, despite it being a bit cold, we spent some of our afternoon at the park & I got some lovely snapshots that I wanted to share.
Meet the family
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My mum & I |
I saw a really fun photographic piece about genetics (here) & I was curious to do a similar thing with my direct family.
The Nursery - Evelyns first room
With Evelyn's first birthday just around the corner I'm starting to think about moving her to the bigger room & making her current room into an office. The only thing that's stopping me is how much I love it: I think it's so precious so before I start rearranging I wanted to take a few snapshots of her room as it is now - mostly for myself but also to share with you all in case you were curious or looking for nursery ideas for small rooms.
Kingscote Barn - Wedding Venue
It's exactly a year since George asked me to marry him (can you believe how much snow we had last January?) & I figured that I pretty much had to do a wedding related post. So today I'm going to write about another potential wedding venue: Kingscote barn.
Evelyns 10 month update
I can't quite get my head around the fact that my daughter is 10 months old. In a few weeks I'm going to have to start planning her 1st birthday party: It's crazy exciting, but rather surreal.
365 strangers
Sometimes you're lucky enough to meet someone who's just that little bit quirky & who will say something that puts a smile on your face for the rest of the day. For me that day was last Friday & that person was a retired art-college teacher: Geoff Hawkins. He's a charmer.
Farm Life
On Tuesday we FINALLY managed to take some time to visit Georges grandad at the farm. It's the second time that Evelyn has been & only the fourth time that I've been able to visit. Which isn't anywhere near often enough but I hope that will all change this year.
Baby New Year Resolutions
Let's be honest now; babies don't need new years resolutions but if Evelyn did they would be a little like this:
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