Evelyn & I are just about to walk to her swimming lesson & I realised that despite writing about a lot of local places I've not blogged about the walk that we do every day that's right on our doorstep.
I've been a bit slow on publishing this post; partly because I wanted to see how our shed weathered 'the storm' & partly because I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it yet.
Back in August I wrote about visiting Wesonbirt Arboretum for their Treefest & we went for another stroll there a few weeks ago on George's day off. The sculptures that I wrote about were finished & on display so I wanted to share those pictures as well as a few other snap shots with you all.
This month has been so lovely, I've been surrounded by friends & family, & we had great fun celebrating my beautiful mum turning 50. I also met with my really talented photographer friend Emilie to take a few snap shots of Evelyn (including this one): I'm going to write more about that in another post next month but I had to include her angel shot as a little sneak-peak today. It is just the perfect representation of Evelyn at 8 months & I especially love that her little toes are on show because there's just something so scrummy about baby feet.
After saying yesterday that we wouldn't take Evelyn to any fireworks this year we ended up taking her to see some tonight for Noahs Bike Shop's 30th anniversary BBQ.
Halloween was over really quickly this year, we didn't even carve a pumpkin which is so unlike us. I think it's because Evelyn is too young to get involved with normal activities so we didn't really bother too much. I did want her to celebrate somehow though so we grabbed some costumes & took a few snap shots.